Pricebenders Auctions
How It Works
Pricebenders (a division of TripleClicks) allows you to bid on and win hot, name-brand products for a fraction of the retail price–typically more than 90% off–with a MINIMUM savings of 77% off (excluding cost of bids, if any) and FREE SHIPPING to US/Canada! Auctions are ongoing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and each one starts at just one cent, with the price going up by just one cent more for each bid placed. The final bidder may then buy the item for the ending price...OR opt for a TC gift certificate or a quantity of TCredits.
To start bidding, you need some TCredits. TCredits are available in packs of 1, 10, 20, 50, and 200...and for as little as $.29 apiece. Once you've got your TCredits, you're ready to start bidding...which is as simple as clicking the red "Bid!" button for your chosen auction item(s) on our AUCTIONS INDEX HERE. Be the final bidder and you win the item(s). It's that simple!
IMPORTANT: Before you join any Pricebenders™ auction, be sure to familiarize yourself with all rules, restrictions, deadlines, etc.
Get started with special auctions for beginners!
So that everyone has a chance to fully participate in and enjoy Pricebenders auctions, without the pressure or stress of competing with much more experienced bidders, we offer special auctions designed just for penny auction newbies and those bidders with few wins. Just look for the following icons attached to various Pricebenders auctions:

1st Winner auctions–auctions that are open only to bidders who have not won a Pricebenders auction before.

Junior auctions–auctions that are open to bidders who have won a total of 9 or fewer auctions.
Even when you don't win the still WIN!
One of the coolest features of Pricebenders is that, even when you don't win the auction, you still win! That's because for every bid, you earn 5 MRP (Member Rewards Points)–which you can then redeem on thousands of great TripleClicks products. You can also win free TCredits during auctions through our Pricebenders Flash Drawings.
And as an SFI affiliate, you win in two more big ways:
1. With every bid, you automatically earn 1 VersaPoint (up to 1000 VP a month)! Up to 1000 additional profit shares for you!
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