Table Of Contents:
If you not a SFIMember please click this picture to signup then comback to learn how to earn money with SFI.
When I started with “SFI” I was lost and delivered to myself, I thought it would be imposible to earn significant income. I have no marketting education or marketing strategy. However, some time later I found online tips that explained how to begin your SFI business.
I will share with you the basic principals how to begin your SFI business, how to have Affiliates, and other SFI tips.
Established users may find of information trivial, but new SFI members will find most of the data critical for their success.
Getting Started
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How do I earn money
with SFI?
1 Sales
2 Sponsoring
3 Direct Commissions
4 TripleClicks Executive Pool
5 ECA Program
7 Co-Sponsor Commissions
1 Sales
2 Sponsoring
3 Direct Commissions
4 TripleClicks Executive Pool
5 ECA Program
7 Co-Sponsor Commissions
How much money can I
If you are serious
about starting a Home Business, SFI
offers income opportunity for life.
Working a little each
day, being serious and motivated, you can earn over $ $25,380.30 per month
after 24 months.
1. Reach EA2 status or Team Leader status
and maintain it every month.
2. Make a Standing order to maintain EA2
status .
Placing a Standing
order sometimes causes fear to new affiliates and causes them to quit.
To remove this fear,
just think it this way.
A 125
TCredits package will cost an affiliate $36.25 every month which means you are
only spending around $1.21 everyday.
about it as $1.21 daily expenses rather than a $36.25 monthly expenses is a lot
better although the amount is the same.
3. Finding PSA’s is another fear that new
affiliates faces, they think that they need to find a lot of PSA’s in order to
earn in SFI.
The simple fact is
that we don’t need hundreds of PSA’s in order to earn a big income in SFI.
The simple fact is
that we only need 5 active PSA’s in order to earn big income in SFI .
If this 5
PSA’s make Standing order (125 TCredits @ $36.25), you will get a total direct
commission of $39.75 .
This means
that your $1.21 daily expenses is already covered and you have a profit of
$3.50 per month.
From this
point you are running your SFI business for FREE. Maybe you will ask “WHERE IS
4. Here is the Big Income.
By providing support
to your 5 active affiliates and encouraging them to “DUPLICATE” what you are
doing. I emphasize the word duplicate because it is very important that you
show your affiliates what should be done by doing it first yourself.
This means that you
cannot ask your affiliates to do what you yourself is not willing to do.
Below is an
illustration how the power of duplication can give you the BIG INCOME .
You can get this BIG
INCOME (from matching VP) if you reach Team Leader status (minimum is Bronze
Team Leader (BTL)).
You can easily reach
BTL status by applying the SIMPLE PLAN presented below:
Matching VP
***Converting this
matching VP into shares from TC Executive Pool will give you a big Income and
Take note that it only started from 5 PSA’s.
This is only
considering up to Gen 6 of your affiliates, remember that you can earn up to
Gen 12 depending on your Team Leader status.
this simple facts with the Simple Plan below will assure you with a big SUCCESS
in SFI.
How do I get started?
If you have not
already signup for SFI, click on any of the SFI banners within the guide or
Signup Here.
This SFI guide is not only educational, but also a tool I developed to help all
SFI users.
Something to think
If you have 200
Affiliates but they are uneducated about SFI and quit, you won't make money!
My goal is to help
you acquire ACTIVE SFI Affiliates.
Typically, educated
affiliates are active affiliates!
After you have signed
up, continue to Part 3.
The FirstThree Months (3 Goals to complete)
On after me, the first month is the easiest
to win Versapoints.
During the first month, you are not eligible
for win Affiliates Versapoint.
Your ONLY focus shoulb be :
- Qualify for the Fast Track Bonus
- Qualify for the contest Entrepreneur 365
- Earn 1500 Versapoints= Become EA
The First Month:
- Determine the remaining number of days for
the current month.
For example you sign up on the 15th of the
month that means that you still have 15 days (for a 30 days month) left to
reach you EA status.
- Compute the number of VP that you can get
from your Daily Task.
Example , if you have 15 days multiply it
with 11VP then it will give you 165 VP. That means you need 1335 VP to reach
your EA status.
- Go to your VP Ledger page ( and complete the task that
will give you the 1335 VP needed for your EA status .
Remember that if you completed 500VP within
your first 24 hrs of signing up in SFI you will get a bonus of additional 200VP
for becoming a SFI Fast Track member. You will also get your Fast Track member
Just complete the task in your VP Ledger that
will give you the needed number of VP for your EA Status.
You can reserve the other task (VP) for
your Second month .
Make sure also to log in and complete your
Daily Task so you can get the required number of VP from your Daily Task.
- Your first month goal is to become
a Fast Track member and to reach your EA status.
By doing this simple plan, you can be sure
that you will accomplish your goal.
Additional goal is to READ and LEARN about
the system of SFI. Feel free to explore SFI website,
READ and LEARN all the useful information
that you can find.
NOTE : Participate daily in the Daily Grand
Draw for a chance to win the Daily Grand Prize.
GOAL #1 - BECOME Executive Affiliate "EA"
TIP: Earn 1500
1. Earn 500 VP in the
first 24 hours so you can get 200 bonus VP. (700 VP)
2. Make your tabs opportunities daily. (11 VP) + (VP 700) = (711
3. Set monthly goals before 10. (5 VP) + (VP 711) = (716 VP)
Review your page tConnect. (5 VP) + (VP 716) = (721 VP)
5. Confirm your registration. (VP 150) + (721 VP) = (871 VP)
6. For whitelist. (VP 100) + (871 VP) = (971 VP)
7. Complete your membership profile. (75 VP) + (971 VP) = (VP
9. Send a message
Commitment SFI sponsor. (50 VP) + (1106 VP) = (VP 1156)
and # 10.
20 * To read the
"About SFI page"
20 * In considering
compensation plan SFI
10 * To review the
AAP benefits Graphic
10 * To check the
Central Standing Order Information page
for a total of (VP
60) + (VP 1156) = (VP 1216)
This leaves only 284
VP is to achieve EA, and these points can be earned
by just Shares /
Daily Tabs.
1. Lessons Launchpad
= 30x15 = VP each (450 VP)
2. Intermediate
action is 21x10 = PV = each (VP 210) + (450 VP) = (660 VP)
3. Get actions ---
50 * To read the
Getting Started FAQ
35 * For the
discussion of marketing methods and aids to generate TripleClicks sales
35 * examination of
aid and trade resources for sponsoring SFI Affiliates
35 To upload your
photo in the center Affiliate
for a total of (VP
155) + (660 VP) = (VP 815)
4. To Love / After
SFI and TripleClicks on Facebook.Twitter. (80 VP) + (VP 815) = (895 VP)
5. Shares Daily
Weekly, monthly to do the rest.
The second Month:
GOAL #2 - maintain Executive Affiliate" EA" status &
Find at least 3-5 Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSA).
Compute the VP that you can get from your
Daily Task . For Example , if the current month is a 30 days month that means
that you can get 330 VP from your daily Task.
- Go to your VP Ledger page and check how
much is the remaining VP that you can get from your uncompleted task. This will
vary depending on the task you complete during your first month.
- Check if you are eligible for the monthly
Task like “Rate your Sponsor “ and “Setting your monthly goal “. If not then
you can do your Weekly Task (whichever is available).
- Assess how much VP you can get to maintain
your EA2 Status
(required is 1500VP).
- You can contact your Sponsor if you find
any problem in completing some of the task in your VP Ledger .
If the available VP is not enough to reach
1500VP to maintain your EA2 Status I personally recommend that you purchase
- IAHBE standing Order for $29 per month =
$15.50 CV and 1500 Versa Points
Why do I suggest to ALL serious affiliates to
choose these 2 products available at Tripleclicks?
- IAHBE for a very low cost, not only
includes also 1500 VP which automatically qualify us
as EA2 every month, but also bring us
knowledge and tons of tools, extremely useful in building our successful SFI
I see on the SFI website, a lot of useful
suggestions about how to qualify as EA or EA2 without investing any money at
So, as I am one of the last to arrive in this
wonderful SFI business, I think my suggestions about this same matter would be
totally superfluous.
Rather, I’d like to make here some
considerations about managing this business with the aim of producing big
I really mean a lot of money, not just a few
hundred dollars per month. Because I think that in order to get and hold, the
great motivation we need to succeed in this business, we really need to be
perfectly aware that SFI Business will change substantially our lives.
In a few words we need to think big.
Otherwise what’s the sense of all this?
If it were just for making normal money, we
could look for a normal job.
How could we be excited, fired up, just
thinking about making a few tens or hundreds of dollars per month?
So, I think that those among us who are
really serious and willing to make their life a wonderful life, those who want
to be exempt of all those financial worries which could literally destroy a
person’s existence, need to treat this business like a real business, not just
like a kind of hobby.
So the question is:
do you know any profitable business in this
world where you don’t have to invest and risk a lot of money to start-up and then
to run it?
I don’t.
Fortunately, SFI is totally different in the
meaning that we don’t have to invest and risk “a lot of money”.
Nevertheless, in my opinion, at least a few
tens of dollars per month need to be invested.
Because what you actually want is to make BIG
money to really enjoy your life.
So let’s make an example here:
Let’s say you consider that for you, 10 000
(ten thousand) dollars per month will be enough to live the life you’re
dreaming of.
So, what do you need to achieve this (perfectly
achievable) goal?
You could check the SFI earnings calculator,
but I realized that this beautiful tool purposely uses very conservative
number, so that the amounts provided don’t appear unrealistically large.
That’s why I prefer to base my income plans on
the REAL NUMBERS I actually see in my Commission Reports for the previous
Let’s start from three facts:
A) currently the value of each
Versa Point is about $0.0005
B) The SFI “ultra-simple 3-step
plan” teaches something that everybody in this world is able to do:
Become an Executive Affiliate (EA) and remain
an EA every month
Recruit five affiliates
Teach your five affiliates to do these same
three steps
C) An EA has minimum 1500VP and
a typical CV (Commission Value) of (only) $20CV.
That being said, let’s say you decide to
recruit those five affiliates and you teach them to create the same duplication
within their first month.
Then multiply the $ Versa Point Value for the
total number of Versa Point generated by your EAs downline and you will see
that in just 6 months you’ll achieve and surpass you initial goal of $10.000,00
(ten thousands dollars) monthly income:
Total EAs
Total VP
Monthly Income
On top of this of course, there will be the
extra income consequently generated by all the different stream included in the
SFI Compensation Plan like: ECA Royalties, Direct Sales, SFIPPA (Pay Per
Action) and SFI contests.
What could be the “obstacle” in this
fantastic path to follow?
It’s obvious: all kind of serious and
reliable businesses, in order to produce earnings, need to produce at least a
minimum amount of sales, need to move money. Otherwise they can’t be called
But here the good news is what you can also
read in the earnings calculator: “Estimate is based on a typical CV (commission
volume) per Executive Affiliate of (only) $20“.
This is Fantastic if you consider that part
of the SFI business, is; one of the best “money-saving” online
stores in the world.
And it is YOUR Store! Exactly; whatever your
PSA and EA2 will buy at Tripleclicks in the years to come, will produce a large
monthly income for you, even if you’re on holiday or just sleeping.
The Third Month:
GOAL #3 - Reach Bronze Team Leader Status & Find more PSA’s.
It may be ambitious to reach Bronze Team
Leader Status in your Third month or Fourth month but it can be done .
This is considering that you already find at
least 3 PSA that will also maintain their EA2 status. If not, concentrate in
finding your 3 active PSA’s and just maintain your EA2 status until you find
The easiest way to maintain your EA2 Status
is to place a 1500VP standing order ( I will recommend that you get the
125TCredits Standing order.
You can use the TCredits to advance your
status to Team Leader Status.
-To reach BTL status you must earn 3000 VP .
Below is a simple plan to help you earn 3000VP.
Rate your Sponsor 10 VP
Setting your goal 5 VP
For 1500VP SO 100 VP
Sending Team email 120 VP
Visiting TC connect page 20 VP
Posting Stream Post 12 VP
Completing Daily Task 330 VP (For 30 days
Bonus VP per auction Bid 129 VP
Assuming you already have 3 PSA
that will maintain EA2 status 300 VP
SALES VP : ( Max is 2000 VP )
- Use
the 125 TCredits in Auction. For every bid
make you will get 1 VP and 5 MRP .
MRP’s that you will get is 625 MRP.
this MRP to buy 4TCredits ( 126 MRP/TCredits ), you will get
VP and 5MRP per TCredit you buy . 408 VP (Bonus is if you win in the auction)
You have a remaining 121 MRP + 20MRP from the purchase of 4TCredits so you
still have
MRP’s. This will enable you to purchase an additional 1 TCredit . 102 VP
SALES VP + TOTAL ACTION VP = 1026+2000 = 3026VP
Note : To receive the full benefit of being a
Team Leader you should also comply with
the other requirements .
The next important thing that you should do is
to find PSA that will duplicate this plan. As your active PSA’s increase, the
VP that you will get from “TEAM LEADERSHIP & SUPPORT” action will increase
and it will help you advance to next Team Leader Status.BuyingAffiliates
Standing Order for 20 Personal Sponsored
Affiliates for $50 = $6.50 CV and 488 Versa Points
20 Personal Sponsored Affiliates are fundamental
in creating with no effort, no time, no risk, the duplication process we all
need in order to follow the income path illustrated above.
What is it?
S-Builder is our new, international,
multi-channel advertising co-op available to all SFI affiliates, giving you the
ability to accelerate your path to success by purchasing shares.
Just as a small fire produces little heat, small
actions produce small results. With S-Builder, you can turn up the heat as hot
as you want and propel your business forward.
No Time? No Experience? No problem!
Less than a daily cup of coffee!No longer is
a lack of time or marketing experience a roadblock to success with SFI. With
S-Builder, you can simply plug in to our global advertising co-op and within a
few weeks begin receiving sign-ups (both SFI affiliates and TC members).
Just 72 cents a day gets you on your way
Units (shares) of S-Builder cost as little as
$22. That means that for just 72 cents a day, you can be building a residual
income stream for you and your family. Indeed, S-Builder is one of most
economical ways to build an online business ever!
1st option.
1. Always be at least 1,500VP before the end
of each current month to be always in the income level.(its either you
accomplish the to do lists with corresponding VP or earn more points by buying
items at which will give you enough VP to be 1,500VP each
month)eventuallY you will earn 2 CSA each month AS A GIFT FROM SFI.
2. Buy at least 1 unit of S-Builder to
acquire at least 5-8 personally sponsored affiliates (or downlines)and
encourage them to do the same thing i am telling you (take note that every time
a PSA will buy at you will earn 45% of the items commision
3. Always support your PSA or CSA on how to
run SFI business. Be open with their comments and questions to stimulate their
enthusiasm towards SFI
2nd option
1. Always be at least in the top leader board
or 4,000+-VP every month to be able to acquire 40 to 50 CSA's every month.
(Again, it?s either you accomplish the to do
lists with corresponding VP or earn more points by buying items at which will give you enough VP to be 1,500VP each month).
Check out top leader board last month to view
the targeted VP you should earn to be in the top 300 leader board(take note
that every time your CSA will buy in you will earn 15% of its
commission volume)
2. Buying a unit of S-builder is still ok
since that if you get more PSA to buy in triple clicks you earn 45% of the
commission volume of the item he or she has bought.
3. Always support your PSA or CSA on how to
run SFI business. Be open with their comments and questions to stimulate their
enthusiasm towards SFI.
4. Engage in the auction for 50CSAs to
100CSAs pricebenders at The thing is if you win, you get
freshly and newly enrolled CSAs who are eager to do the business.
That's all it has to be done. The first time
i saw SFI i was as confused as you are. the key is ?
Option #1 is ok for 1 year you might be
earning $500 a month. Option #2 is better. but IF you will invest more, you
might be earning $1,000 in your 1st year and may increase rapidly due to
excessive inputs of PSAs and CSAs
Put this in mind. This is a business. You put
more CAPITAL you get more PROFIT.
#1 option first, If you have already observed its pros and cons, Its the time
for you to do the BIG time. #2 Option is still the superior one though.
How does one support a new affiliate from the
second month in gaining needed VersaPoints if he/she does not have any funds?
First and foremost, when you obtain a new
affiliate, my best advice is to advise them to reach 1500VP and keep the rest
of the once-off ACTION VP for the next month and possibly some for the
following month.
That way they will be able to become EA2 by
the second month easily.
It is also recommended to use the Launch Pad
lessons as they were designed, one a day for a month, that way you are
guaranteed 15VP per day plus 11VP for Daily Action VP.
The other advantage is that you can absorb
more learning absorbing bite size pieces of information on what SFI is all
Make sure you train your affiliates to earn
their Daily Action VP by accessing each Red-Lettered tab on the homepage.
Exceptions are - the Alert, AskSC and WinIt Tabs.
Alert tab - this is good to follow the latest
News about SFI and also the latest discussion threads on SFI Forum - these in
themselves are golden nuggets and one can learn a lot from them.
AskSC - one needs to vote for 10 Answers
before receiving 1VP, if you vote for 30 Answers you receive an extra entry
into the WinIt! contest.
WinIt! - this is only available if you have
earned a minimum of 10VP the day before, you can then enter the Daily Grand
All other tabs have to be read through to the
bottom of the page and then click on the blue button to receive your VP for
that page.
The Goals tab is a little different, one has
to put in a comment of what one has done that day to achieve the goals that are
set at the top of the page - the comment is entered at the bottom of the page
and submitted once the Submit button has been clicked.
Back to how to help the affiliates lacking
Another way to encourage them is to advise
them to find 10 other people who share the same vision of SFI and get them to
reach 1500VP each month, like they themselves did, and after the second month
of reaching EA2, as their sponsor, they will earn 100VP ACTION - for every
affiliate who reaches EA2.
If all 10 affiliates reach EA2, there is
1000VP ACTION points and they will have about 500VP collected over the month
from the Daily Action points and Weekly Action points, together with the
Monthly Action points.
Regarding Getting Started Actions,
Intermediate Actions and Advanced Actions, use these sparingly and treat them
like gold.
This way if you are frugal and calculate when
you need to use them to add to your goal of 1500VP per month, you will be able
to achieve EA for possibly 3 consecutive months.
In this time, it would be wise to start
finding as many people as possible so you can get your 10 dedicated people who
will be your team that will provide the needed 1000VP ACTION points, added to
your own 500VP ACTION points you've earned, that you need to qualify each
Reinforcement is vital. After becoming EA I
was doubtful if I could continue with the SFI program...
First, encourage the new affiliate that even
though they don't have any funds, they can still earn the needed VersaPoints if
they are willing to spend the time to do it.
They can earn earn 11 VP a day for doing
their daily actions (not including VP for bids) which is 330 VP for the month.
30 VP a week for sending encouraging messages
with helpful tips/ information to their team (120 VP for the month).
5 VP a week for checkingtheir T Connect page
(20 VP for the month) and 3 VP a week for submitting messages to their stream
(12 VP for the month).
15 VP for the month for doing monthly
So far, that is 497 VP leaving 1003 VP left
to earn. The rest of the VP can be earned by:
- Checking their to-do list for any
"Getting Started", "Intermediate" or "Launchpad"
actions they haven't already done yet that they can earn VP for.
- Completing actions on their "to-do
list" under "TripleClicks", "Team Leadership &
Support" and "Intermediate actions".
- From bidding in auctions using any T
Credits they may have (maximum of 500 VP). Note: They can win 2 T Credits a day
by entering T-time once every hour at
There are 720 T-time winners a day.
- By generating sales from TC members who
signed up under their link with their SFI id in it who are not also SFI affiliates.
Since they are not also affiliates, any purchases they make not only gives the
affiliate VP from it but also earn them a commission.
Encourage them to enter the Daily Grand each
day they log in and received at least 10 VP the day before.
Also, provide them with any helpful links for
If you see them trying very hard (they are
logging almost every day and doing things on their "to-do list"-maybe
even trying to set up a website/ blog) and they are in communication with you,
you can help by giving them TCredits or a small gift certificate (let them know
how to use it to their advantage).
Remind them that the more they work on their
SFI business, the more it will grow. It takes time but with hard work and
perseverance, they can succeed.
There are many different ways to help a new
affiliate, that is cash strapped, to get VersaPoints.
To find cash:
1. I would ask them to write out all the
expenses they have and keep track of every cent that they spend for 30 days.
2. Then they should go through this list and
determine if they can find some extra money by making some changes that would
enable them to do this.
3. See if there is anything that they could
sell, through TripleClicks, to raise some cash to use for SFI.
4. If they have a little money, I would
recommend that they purchase some TCredits which would help them to raise some
MRP that would help them to buy some products.
5. Change their buying habits to getting
products/things that they already use from their business instead of going to the
grocery or other store.
Let them know that they need to be completing
their To Do List everyday to utilize all the points available there.
First month will be easy to get the needed VP
to become EA but the second month onward will be very challenging specially if
they have no funds.
Honestly, its quite impossible to maintain EA
without buying from TripleClicks starting from second month.
The only way for those who don't have fund is
for them to sell items from TripleClicks outside SFI to
Personally Referred Member (PRM).
They will not only earn direct commission but
also the VP assigned to the item they sold.
If they can not sell to PRM, tell them that
its alright if they can not reach EA yet, what they need to do is just continue
to earn their free daily VP and intensify their efforts in finding affiliates
Encourage them to identify potential
affiliates from among their network of relationships who turn active and start
buying from TripleClicks.
They need to earn as early as possible.
Next, still part of intensified efforts to
find affiliates, they should learn how to promote their gateways to different
social media and to free ads posting sites.
There will a point in time that you will need
to assist them financially so that they jump-start their SFI business.
You do this if they already have active
Helping them financially when they don't have
active affiliates is a waste of resources.
It will not do any good for both of you,
because it will just be a temporary solution and not sustainable.
Just one last word, be sure to know if they
don't really have the fund or they don't just want to invest and what they want
is to depend on you.
I understand the concept of having no money!
In the world economy today we have to learn
to be wise with where we spend or put our money..remember this business is an
investment and you will always benefit from a business that you put into.
However, there are things that you can do to
earn more VP and become EA:
First of all make sure that you and your team
are all doing your daily points everyday..
don't forget to see your to-do-list and click
the link to see the new TripleClick items (I missed alot of VP by not knowing
that trick) should be able to earn 11 VP daily with that and Ask SC.
Secondly, enter contests.
The first one to enter is the T-time, it
costs you nothing but 20 seconds and the effort of 3 mouse clicks.
Second make sure after doing your daily
points and Ask SC you enter the Daily Grand drawing..again this is free.
The other one you can enter is the
TripleClicks PTP (Pick the Price)..this does cost a TCredit but if you win you
get TCredits so it can't hurt to try.
Also pay attention to your Upline's
leadership page for any contests or promotions they may have going.
Remember that you get VP for all purchases
(unless MRP are used) and for each bid on auctions.
Don't forget to promote your
get points when your PSA's become EA2.
Hope this gives you some ideas and helps keep
you moving along in your business.
If you are still struggling don't forget to
contact your upline they may be able to help you also! :)
How to support the new affiliates get the
versa points in second month if he does not have the funds, namely:
1. Encourage affiliate activities that have a
Versa Points
Encourage affiliates do activities which had
points such as: the versa perform daily, weekly and monthly, the Act supports
referrals she reached EA, answer the questions in the ASK SC
2. Encourage affiliate activities generating
who could trade off product of his friends, a
reference to his friend make a purchase over the referral he, join the program
3. Give TCredits.
Give TCredits can help trouble he gets points
in second month.
4. Encourages the affiliate to participate in
the T_Timecontest
Encourages the affiliate to participate in
the T_Timecontest as much as 24 times in a day.
The more often he joined T-Time contests, the
greater chance he has got two TCredits, the results of which can be to join an
auction or PTP
5. Encourages affiliates participated in PTP.
Encourage affiliates to follow PTP. He has
had the opportunity to join the PTP got 25 TCredits or 100 TCredits if
predictions right.
6.Recruiting downlines.
Recruit downline is crucial. Can recruit
friends, family or doing free advertising through media promotion
That's the things that we can do to support
affiliates without funds reaching the status of EA in the second month.
If successful the affiliate reaches the EA in
the second month, it will facilitate the achievement of the EA in the next
The best way to support a new affiliate from
the second month in gaining needed VersaPoints is to encourage. Offer advice
how to duplicate you.
There are many ways to increase VersaPoints
without any funds.
Usually, the affiliates are given TCredits
for entering the "Daily Grand" contest every day.
If the affiliate enters the T-Time Contest
they will also earn TCredits and other prizes for winning.
If they have items to sell for money on the
ECA Website, this is a great way to earn cash and VP Points.
they do not have anything to sell, they can "Share" other's items and
when other's buy from the ECA Sellers, a commission, called a referral
commission would also be given to whoever referred others to items that sell in
the ECA Sales.
Additionally, you may offer a one-time $2
gift card to be used for shipping a W3 Package. If they have no funds, be sure
they at least have a vehicle.
It would not make sense to help someone
without a vehicle to get a sticker to put on their vehicle.
However, you could offer them a small $2 gift
certificate to help them buy a digital ebook, tell them the ebook should have
resale rights, too. When their eBook arrives, they may become an ECA and sell
the same eBook to others to make back the investment, and continue to earn by
using the resale rights.
In 14 days of the purchase that you helped
fund, be sure to remind them to review the item they bought with the $2 gift
certificate so that more VP could be earned.
Also, SFI has many flyers that may be printed
out and placed at laundrymats, supermarkets, church bullitan boards, at college
dorm areas, at the library, to others without funds that also wish to sell
their items.
The more free advertising, the better chances
to put people on their team that can also learn how to make money with SFI
without money to invest.
Additionally, you may hold contests that
encourage your teammembers to EARN gift certificates from you.
Whoever gets the most team members winns
this, just for doing the daily to-do-list, every day for the month they may get
Just be sure you are HELPING this person EARN
VersaPoints, and not DOING IT FOR THEM.
If you worked at a hourly job, and they just
got hired and you worked there longer so make more than they did...and they
didn't even receive their first paycheck yet, because they are too new...and
you just got paid WHAT YOU EARNED...
Would you feel bad they did not work long
enough with the company...and HELP THEM not to quit their job and to prove to
the boss they are worth more than the money they were hired in at?
Or would you just give away the money you
earned and work FOR THEM?
Be sure you are HELPING them earn and not
doing it for them. It will make you have to work that much harder every month,
and will not even help them or you...nor the other team members either.
IF you teach them how to start out with no
money and succeed, they will also learn to teach others how to do this, too.
Why would you want someone on your team that
is not earning VP on their own? This will continue to happen if you let it.
Advertising for free, entering the hourly
T-Time Contests, entering the Daily Grand Contest, sending others to buy their
favorite items just by sharing it will help them eventually be able to buy
their favorite items, too.
Also, be sure they are reading the SC
Question and answer board, and always rating 30 answers, before they enter the
Daily Grand Contests to make their chances of winning that much greater.
Be sure they always post and share with you
their goals. SFI helps even those without any funds to earn money.
The reason you are their TEAM LEADER is by
showing them by example, encouraging them, offering them advice, showing them
many ways they may achieve their goals.
If they have no funds, I am sure they know
others that wish to make money with SFI, too. Maybe they will even find some
ECA's that own a business.
The most important thing is to continue
reading and rating the SC Section, ask their question in the forum to see what
others did to achieve their goals, read the LaunchPad, for the first 30 days,
if they didn't get to read them all.
Visit the to-do-list every day, too...and
always enter all the contests.
Be friendly and helpful to others that they can
share with others the knowledge you have as their team leader to share.
Source : SFI FORUM
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